We hear the word ‘sustainability’ a lot these days. It’s everywhere. In the news, in government memos and policy fact sheets, in NGOs and NPOs’ mission statements.
Tag: advice
Get expert advice on various topics, including tips, strategies, and insights to help you make informed decisions and improve different aspects of life.
Why family must come first in business
As we enter a new year, I want to talk about the importance of balance, perspective, support and productivity and I’m here to make the case that family must come first in business. Hear me out.
The seven books that helped me on my entrepreneurial journey
If you take a look at any of my businesses, and you know what my influences in business are, you’ll see how much I’ve taken from the world around me and used it as an inspiration to build.
Lessons fatherhood taught me about business
Here’s something that you’ll hear rarely — running a business is like raising a child. While this analogy may be strange, I believe it holds true.
Effective marketing tips to make your business stand out from your competition
Throughout my career, I’ve been lucky enough to witness almost everything that could happen to a business throughout my careers.
What shark diving taught me about business
I wholeheartedly believe that business and shark diving are essentially the same thing. Both are exciting. Both have their fair share of risk. Both require you to be on your A-game all of the time.
20 leadership lessons from 20 years as an entrepreneur
Ever wish you could go back in time 20 years and teach yourself the leadership lessons you know today? I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently … What would you say to yourself?
Do you suffer from imposter syndrome as a business owner?
Learn both how to recognise if you have these negative thoughts and how to banish them so you can perform better in your role.
Learn essential tactics from a surprising industry that has absolutely thrived during lockdown
With staggering sales, one marketplace that has literally boomed during covid is the ‘bed-in-a-box’ mattress concept. As business owners it’s important to understand the strategies they’ve employed to begin, capitalise and maintain epic rates of growth.
Create your own app for free this weekend and boost growth in a contactless manner
Discover a free app solution and the essentials you need to ensure that you create an experience that’s just right for your clients or customers.
Brad Burton founder of 4Networking and Britain’s leading #1 motivational speaker dispenses gold nuggets of advice to get any business through disruption
‘When you’re skeptical but have to enact change and it works – that’s the best kind of wrong to be.’
Pimlico Plumbing founder Charlie Mullins OBE chats honestly about business post corona
Charlie Mullins OBE shares his frank and inspirational view on what businesses need to be doing to pull through the crisis.
Mark Wright shares expansion insights that would not have been tested theories without covid
Success and expansion can be found in the midst of chaos as long as you keep pushing forwards, re-model your finances, work hard and remain fluid with your expansion plans. Chatting openly with Business Matters about all things survival and expansion, Mark Wright, winner of The Apprentice 2014 and founder and director of Climb Online […]