Taking that leap of faith


Staring you right in the face is an opportunity. Every single piece of adversity in your life presents you with the option to change paths, to move in a different direction, and sometimes to start over again.
It was the fear of the unknown that had me defeated every time on the idea of starting a new business, with the result that it took three goes for me to get up and get going.
Is it that you need convincing to start your own business?
After all, I too needed convincing. It’s true.
And the reason you are reading this is because of a man called Roy Hurley.
I met Roy on a computer game internet forum back in 2002. Roy lives in Australia and runs a successful engineering firm. We’d never met in real life, but talked often on the phone and MSN Messenger, and it was Roy that talked me into starting my own business.
He’s the guy who changed my mind-set and famously taught me that relationships are like bank accounts: withdrawals are OK, but stay in the black. I carry with me the bank account life lesson each and every day.
This is a man who gave so much when I had nothing to offer.
All he asked was that I pay it forward and make a difference.
There is no life without risk. I took a risk back in late 2004 when I walked out of a job to start my own business. I was ‘coached’ by Roy; he said, “The only one who doesn’t believe in you… is you”.
He talked me into taking that leap and if it were not for his words, you wouldn’t be reading this. The thing that changed in me was belief, as previously I had none. I had nil self-belief.
You see, with belief you are unstoppable. You can do anything. Well, you think you can… so recognise the immense power of believing in yourself, and go for it!
Brad’s second book, Get Off Your Arse Too, is available now from www.getoffyourarse.biz