Small businesses can offer best value for Whitehall


Marcela Flores Newburn Small businesses can offer best value for Whitehall
The Telegraph are reporting that Stephen Allott, leading the Cabinet Office’s efforts to encourage Whitehall to hire more small businesses, says civil servants still need convincing that big is not always beautiful
London businesses send out message to Mayor

Management Today have published details of the Comres study of London business, whish tells City Hall: ditch the airport, stop digging up our roads, and save our tax loot for London…

Another digital gold rush
The Economist is saying Internet companies are booming again. Does that mean it is time to buy or to sell?
Should Norfolk County Council reserves be used to help small businesses struggling to get credit?
Eastern Daily News are covering a report this week suggested that public cash held in reserves at Norfolk County Council should be used to create a “growth fund” to help fund small businesses in the county struggling to borrow from the banks. Should all councils be doing this?