Is your company data really safe?


Even though 98 per cent of employees think it is vital to protect confidential information, a new survey published today reveals that a worrying 30 per cent of employees send confidential and/or sensitive information via standard email attachment or unsecured in the body of an email.  A further 23 per cent said they converted their documents into PDF format before emailing and 45 per cent would use the recorded delivery postal service.  The minority (2 per cent) would use a fax machine to send the information to the designated person.

Despite living in a security-conscious world where the risks of data interception are well-documented, when asked if they worry about their information getting into the wrong hands, 46 per cent said they did but that they believe there is no alternative.  More concerning is the 25 per cent of respondents who claim that the risk of a security threat is too small to worry about.  A further 13 per cent say they are willing to take the risk and 16 per cent never worry as they feel the methods they use are quite safe.

Jan Gunner, director at, who commissioned the survey, comments “Considering how clued-up most businesses are today when it comes to the very real threat of data interception, it is quite alarming to discover quite a complacent attitude in terms of securing confidential information.  More interesting is the belief that there is no alternative to sending such data securely and this is something we are very keen to educate businesses on.”

In response to potential level of at-risk confidential information being sent out with limited or no protection, launches today with a sophisticated but cost-effective method of displaying this data in a secure format via a web link.  Whether it is text, video or sound, the technology minimises the possibility of the recipient editing, altering, printing, downloading or saving the information.

Gunner explains “InvisiView aims to put the sender back in control of their information.  The software is suitable for anyone wanting to distribute sensitive, intellectual property or confidential data securely.  We wanted to create something that was both easy to use and inexpensive while at the same time giving the sender peace of mind.”