Protect your business in the economic downturn: Prioritising security and customer satisfaction

As the number of cyberattacks and data breaches continues to rise, businesses must pay close attention to their data security measures.

As the number of cyberattacks and data breaches continues to rise, businesses must pay close attention to their data security measures.

Is your business open to hackers?

According to the 2022 Cyber Security Breaches Survey, 39% of UK businesses experienced a cyber security breach or attack in the past 12 months. The impact of these breaches can be significant, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and loss of client trust. The average estimated financial cost of cyberattacks in the past 12 months is £4,200. When considering only medium and large businesses, this figure increases to £19,400.

Cyberattacks can happen to anyone, and even the smallest breach can lead to disastrous consequences for your business. In fact, just last year, a small UK-based marketing firm suffered a severe security breach where sensitive customer data was exposed. This led to reputational damage, loss of valuable clients, and a hefty fine due to GDPR violations. So, don’t think that cyberattacks only target big corporations; SMEs are very much at risk too. Cybersecurity is highly important for businesses.

Clients expect more for their money, especially during the economic downturn

In the current economic climate, clients are becoming increasingly discerning about where they spend their money, and as a result, they expect more value and better customer experiences from the businesses they choose to work with. This heightened focus on customer satisfaction means that businesses must go the extra mile to provide exceptional service and demonstrate their commitment to clients.

One way to achieve this is by implementing a client portal, which not only helps streamline communication and collaboration but also gives clients a sense of security and transparency in their dealings with your business. By offering a user-friendly, secure platform for clients to access their documents, communicate directly with your team, and stay updated on project progress, you’re showing them that their needs and concerns are your top priority. A well-designed client portal can greatly enhance the customer experience, giving you a competitive edge during these challenging economic times.

What are Client Portals?

Client portals

are secure, web-based platforms that allow businesses to share and collaborate on files, documents, and other sensitive information with their clients. By using client portals, businesses can:

  • Securely share files: Client portals provide a safe environment for sharing sensitive documents, ensuring that only authorised users can access them.
  • Streamline communication: By centralising all client-related communications, client portals improve response times and facilitate faster decision-making.
  • Enhance collaboration: Client portals enable businesses and clients to work together on documents and projects, fostering stronger relationships and better outcomes.
  • Save time and money: With all client data and communications in one place, businesses can reduce time spent searching for information and minimise the need for meetings.
  • Improve client satisfaction and trust: A transparent and secure platform for managing client data demonstrates a business’s commitment to protecting its clients’ information, building trust and improving overall satisfaction.

Introducing Clinked: A Comprehensive Client Portal Solution


is a leading client portal solution that provides businesses with a secure and customisable platform for managing client relationships. Founded in the UK, Clinked offers a range of unique features tailored to the needs of UK businesses, including:

  • Custom branding: Businesses can customise their Clinked portal with their logo and brand colours, creating a professional and consistent experience for clients.
  • Mobile accessibility: Clinked’s mobile app enables users to access the portal and collaborate with clients from anywhere, at any time.
  • Integration with other tools and applications: Clinked can be integrated with various third-party tools such as Google Workspace, Zapier, Jotform, and more, streamlining workflows and boosting efficiency.
  • And finally, if you require a completely bespoke portal built to perfectly align with your workflow, Clinked offers a custom portal With it, you get a unique portal that is built on proven Clinked infrastructure saving you thousands of Pounds in development costs.

How secure is your client data with Clinked?

Clinked offers end-to-end encryption, meaning that your data can only be accessed by you, for everyone else is just random numbers. Your data is regularly backed up.

Additionally, Clinked uses secure user authentication and access control through multi-factor authentication, granular user and file access permissions. You can also keep an eye on everything what’s happening in your portal using  detailed audit trails.

In fact, Clinked is so secure that it’s often used as a Virtual Data Room in the industries where data security is paramount: Finance, Law, Government, and Medical. Clinked’s accounting client portal is widely trusted by British accountants.

Furthermore, Clinked is trusted by the UK Government, businesses, and academia.

How Clinked Can Benefit Your Business

Migrating to Clinked’s client portal can benefit your business in numerous ways. Firstly, Clinked can help improve client relationships and trust by providing a secure and user-friendly platform for clients to access their documents, communicate with your team, and stay updated on project progress. This increased transparency and accessibility can lead to better communication and a more personalized service, ultimately building stronger, long-term relationships with your clients.

Clinked customer portal can also help streamline your business processes and increase efficiency by providing a central location for all your important documents and files. With intuitive file-sharing and collaboration tools, you can work more efficiently with your team, and reduce the risk of errors and delays that can occur when using traditional file-sharing methods. This will ultimately save you time and money, allowing you to focus on other areas of your business that require your attention.