UKTI Plans Largest Ever Series Of Trade Missions To Emerging Markets

The ‘GREAT Weeks’ series starting in September will promote sectors including the creative industries, luxury goods, food, drink and retail in priority overseas markets such as Vietnam, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, UAE, Hong Kong and Macao, China and USA in 2013 and 2014. UKTI will offer businesses participating in the missions customised programmes as well as the opportunity to meet potential investors, buyers and suppliers.

To recruit companies for the trade missions a regional roadshow will travel around the UK. The GREAT Weeks series is expected to particularly appeal to small and medium sized enterprises. The first of the regional roadshows takes place in London today.

Trade and Investment Minister Lord Green said: “Increasing the number of UK businesses who sell overseas is a fundamental building block of the government’s plan for growth. Worldwide there is a growing appetite and appreciation for British goods and services and awareness of Brand GB remains very high following the success of London 2012 and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

“The GREAT Weeks series is designed to capitalise on this by using UKTI’s global network to put companies in front of potential customers in fast growing markets. The campaign will provide a powerful platform for the retail, luxury, food, drink and creative industries to showcase their value in new markets and assist them to grow their businesses.”

During September regional roadshows will visit the South East, the South West, London, the Midlands, North of England and the East of England, with further events to be announced in locations including Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.